How Long Is GTA 4?

How Long Is GTA 4?

Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4), released by Rockstar Games in 2008, is an iconic open-world action-adventure game that has captivated players for over a decade. The sprawling city of Liberty City, combined with a gripping narrative, offers a rich gaming experience. But how long does it take to complete GTA 4? This question is crucial for both new players and returning fans who want to plan their gaming sessions effectively. Let’s dive into the various aspects that determine the length of GTA 4.

Main Storyline Length

The main storyline of GTA 4 focuses on the journey of Niko Bellic, a war veteran seeking a new life in Liberty City. On average, players report that completing the main story takes approximately 25 to 30 hours. However, this duration can vary significantly based on individual play styles and skill levels.

Factors Affecting Main Storyline Duration

Several factors influence how long it takes to finish the main story. Experienced players who are familiar with the mechanics and map of Liberty City might complete the game faster than newcomers. Additionally, players who focus solely on the main missions without getting sidetracked by side activities will see a shorter completion time.

Side Missions and Activities

GTA 4 is packed with side missions and activities that add depth to the game. These include taxi missions, vigilante tasks, and various mini-games like bowling and darts. Engaging in these side missions can easily add another 15 to 20 hours to your playtime.

Types of Side Missions

From helping friends and strangers to participating in underground fight clubs, the side content in GTA 4 is diverse. Each mission type offers unique challenges and rewards, making them a worthwhile addition to the main story.

Estimated Time for Side Content

If you aim to complete most of the side missions, expect to invest around 20 to 25 hours. This estimate includes activities like dating, exploring hidden packages, and other non-essential tasks that enrich the overall experience.

Complete Playthrough Duration

A complete playthrough of GTA 4, including the main storyline and all side missions, typically takes around 45 to 60 hours. For players striving for 100% completion—which involves completing every mission, finding every collectible, and exploring every corner of Liberty City—the time can extend to approximately 70 to 80 hours.

Definition of a Complete Playthrough

Achieving 100% completion means not just finishing the main story and side missions but also engaging in every available activity and collecting all hidden items. This level of dedication requires thorough exploration and patience.

Replayability Factor

One of GTA 4’s strengths is its replayability. Players often return to Liberty City to relive Niko’s story, make different choices, or simply cause chaos. The game’s rich environment and diverse mission structure ensure that replaying the game remains an enjoyable experience.

Reasons to Replay the Game

Replayability is driven by multiple factors, such as trying out different approaches to missions, exploring new strategies, or aiming for higher scores in mini-games. Additionally, the varied outcomes based on player decisions make each playthrough unique.

Impact on Total Playtime

Replayability can significantly increase the total time spent on GTA 4. Players who choose to replay the game multiple times may find themselves investing hundreds of hours into Liberty City.

Comparison with Other GTA Titles

Comparing GTA 4 with other games in the Grand Theft Auto series provides a clearer perspective on its length.

GTA 4 vs GTA 5

GTA 5, with its multiple protagonists and even larger world, generally takes longer to complete. The main story alone in GTA 5 can take around 30 to 35 hours, with a complete playthrough requiring upwards of 80 hours.

GTA 4 vs GTA: San Andreas

GTA: San Andreas offers a vast open world with numerous activities and side missions, making it slightly longer than GTA 4. A full completion of San Andreas can take around 100 hours, thanks to its extensive content.

Factors Influencing Game Length

Several factors can influence how long it takes to complete GTA 4, including player skill level, gameplay style, and the use of cheats or mods.

Player Skill Level

More experienced players who are adept at navigating open-world games and handling combat scenarios will typically complete the game faster than those new to the genre.

Gameplay Style

Players who adopt a speedrunning approach, focusing solely on the main missions and avoiding distractions, will finish the game quicker. Conversely, those who prefer a leisurely pace, taking time to explore and enjoy the scenery, will extend their playtime.

Use of Cheats and Mods

Using cheats can drastically reduce the time required to complete missions by providing invincibility, infinite ammo, or instant vehicle spawns. Mods can also alter the game length, either by adding new content or simplifying gameplay elements.

Impact of DLCs on Game Length

GTA 4’s DLCs—The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony—add substantial content to the base game, extending the overall playtime.

The Lost and Damned

This DLC focuses on Johnny Klebitz, a member of the biker gang The Lost. Completing its story can take around 8 to 10 hours, with additional time for side missions and activities.

The Ballad of Gay Tony

Featuring Luis Lopez, The Ballad of Gay Tony offers a more glamorous take on Liberty City’s nightlife. Its main story can be completed in 10 to 12 hours, with additional content extending playtime to around 15 hours.

Tips to Extend Gameplay

For those looking to maximize their time in Liberty City, several strategies can help extend gameplay.

Exploring Liberty City

Taking the time to explore every nook and cranny of Liberty City reveals hidden secrets, unique locations, and interesting characters, adding to the overall experience.

Engaging with NPCs and In-Game Activities

Interacting with NPCs and participating in in-game activities like dating, bowling, and going to comedy clubs can provide hours of additional entertainment.

Speedrunning GTA 4

Speedrunning is a popular way to experience GTA 4 differently.

What is Speedrunning?

Speedrunning involves completing a game as quickly as possible, often using glitches and shortcuts to minimize playtime.

Average Speedrun Times

The average speedrun for GTA 4’s main story is around 5 to 6 hours. However, achieving these times requires extensive practice and knowledge of the game’s mechanics.

Popular Speedrunning Strategies

Speedrunners often use strategies like glitch exploits, optimized route planning, and precise execution of missions to achieve record times.

Player Reviews and Experiences

Players often share their experiences with GTA 4’s length on forums and review sites. Common feedback highlights the game’s engaging story and immersive world, with many players appreciating the balance between main missions and side content.

Common Feedback on Game Length

Most players find the length of GTA 4 satisfying, with the main story offering a substantial narrative and the side missions providing ample additional content.

Personal Anecdotes from Players

Many players recount spending countless hours in Liberty City, enjoying everything from high-speed chases to casual hangouts with in-game friends.

Modding Community Contributions

The modding community has significantly extended the life of GTA 4 by creating mods that add new content, improve graphics, and introduce new gameplay mechanics.

Popular Mods That Extend Gameplay

Mods like iCEnhancer, which enhances the game’s graphics, and various mission packs that add new storylines, can add many hours to the base game.

Impact of Mods on Game Length

Using mods can significantly increase the overall playtime by introducing new challenges and content, making GTA 4 a continually evolving experience.

Technical Aspects Affecting Duration

Technical factors such as system performance and load times can also impact how long it takes to complete GTA 4.

System Performance

A well-performing system reduces load times and minimizes technical issues, allowing for a smoother and potentially quicker gameplay experience.

Load Times and In-Game Performance

Frequent load times and performance hiccups can extend the overall playtime, particularly in a game as expansive as GTA 4.


GTA 4 offers a rich and varied gaming experience, with a main storyline that takes around 25 to 30 hours to complete and numerous side missions that can easily double that time. With its DLCs, replayability, and contributions from the modding community, players can enjoy countless hours in Liberty City. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player, GTA 4’s length ensures a fulfilling and engaging experience.


How long does it take to beat GTA 4?

On average, it takes about 25 to 30 hours to complete the main storyline of GTA 4.

Are the DLCs worth playing?

Yes, both The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony add substantial content and extend the gameplay by 10 to 15 hours each.

How does GTA 4’s length compare to other open-world games?

GTA 4 is comparable to other open-world games in its genre, offering a main story that takes around 25 to 30 hours, similar to titles like Red Dead Redemption and Sleeping Dogs.

Can mods significantly extend the playtime of GTA 4?

Yes, mods can add new missions, improve graphics, and introduce new gameplay mechanics, significantly extending the playtime.

What are some tips for a faster playthrough?

To complete GTA 4 faster, focus solely on the main missions, avoid side activities, and consider using speedrunning strategies or cheats to minimize playtime.

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