How many Missions Are In GTA 3

How many Missions Are In GTA 3

If you’ve ever dipped your toes into the world of Grand Theft Auto (GTA), you know it’s more than just a game—it’s an experience. Among the iconic titles in this series, GTA 3 stands out as a landmark, revolutionizing the open-world genre. But just how much does this game offer in terms of missions? Let’s break it down.

Understanding GTA 3’s Structure

Before we dive into the number of missions, it’s essential to understand the structure of GTA 3. The game is set in the fictional Liberty City, inspired by New York City, and it is divided into three main islands: Portland, Staunton Island, and Shoreside Vale. Each of these areas unlocks progressively as you advance through the storyline, each teeming with its own unique set of challenges and missions.

Main Story Missions

The heart of GTA 3 lies in its main story missions. These missions propel the narrative forward, offering a gripping tale of betrayal, crime, and survival.

Breakdown of Missions by Island

  • Portland Missions: The gritty industrial heart of Liberty City where your adventure begins.
  • Staunton Island Missions: The bustling commercial hub, offering a variety of complex missions.
  • Shoreside Vale Missions: The affluent residential area, where the storyline reaches its climax.

Portland Missions

Portland serves as your starting point in GTA 3. Here, you get introduced to the game’s mechanics and begin to carve your path through Liberty City’s underworld.

Key Missions in Portland

  1. Luigi’s Girls: Your first taste of the criminal life, involving escort duties.
  2. Drive Misty For Me: A simple pickup mission with deeper implications.
  3. Pump-Action Pimp: Introducing you to the city’s darker sides.
  4. The Fuzz Ball: Showcasing the extent of organized crime in Portland.

Staunton Island Missions

Staunton Island is where the stakes get higher. With more complex missions, this island tests your skills and patience.

Key Missions in Staunton Island

  1. Liberator: A daring rescue mission.
  2. Kingdom Come: Facing off against a dangerous gang.
  3. Silence the Sneak: Involving stealth and precision.
  4. Grand Theft Aero: A high-stakes heist mission.

Shoreside Vale Missions

Shoreside Vale is the final stage of your journey in Liberty City. The missions here are intense and require strategic thinking.

Key Missions in Shoreside Vale

  1. Ransom: Dealing with kidnappers and high-pressure negotiations.
  2. The Exchange: The climactic end to your storyline, full of twists and turns.
  3. S.A.M.: An all-out action mission involving a plane.

Side Missions

Beyond the main storyline, GTA 3 offers a wealth of side missions. These are optional but add significant depth and replay value to the game.

Types of Side Missions Available

  • Vigilante Missions
  • Paramedic Missions
  • Firefighter Missions
  • Taxi Driver Missions

Vigilante Missions

Ever wanted to be on the other side of the law in GTA? Vigilante missions let you do just that.

How to Complete Vigilante Missions

You’ll need to commandeer a police vehicle and take down criminals across the city. It’s a thrilling chase against time and danger.

Paramedic Missions

Saving lives in a game about crime? That’s the paradox of Paramedic missions.

How to Complete Paramedic Missions

Hop into an ambulance and respond to emergency calls. The more patients you save, the higher your rewards.

Firefighter Missions

Put out fires and rescue civilians in this fiery set of side missions.

How to Complete Firefighter Missions

Use a fire truck to extinguish blazes across Liberty City. Each fire put out brings you closer to completing the mission.

Taxi Driver Missions

Channel your inner cabbie and ferry passengers to their destinations.

How to Complete Taxi Driver Missions

Pick up passengers and drive them to their requested locations within the time limit. The faster and more efficiently you drive, the better the rewards.

Phone Missions

Phone missions add a layer of mystery and surprise, often providing unique and challenging tasks.

Locations and Types of Phone Missions

Scattered across Liberty City, these missions can be picked up at designated payphones. They range from simple deliveries to complex assassination tasks.

Rewards and Unlockables

Completing missions in GTA 3 isn’t just about progressing the story—it’s about the rewards and unlockables that come with it.

What Players Gain from Completing Missions

  • Monetary Rewards: Essential for purchasing weapons and other necessities.
  • Unlocking New Areas: Progressing in missions opens up new parts of the city.
  • Special Vehicles and Items: Certain missions unlock unique cars and weapons.

Tips and Strategies

Succeeding in GTA 3’s missions requires a mix of strategy, skill, and sometimes a bit of luck.

Best Practices for Completing Missions

  • Plan Ahead: Know the mission objectives before diving in.
  • Stock Up: Ensure you have enough ammo and health.
  • Stay Mobile: Keep a reliable vehicle close by.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  • Rushing: Take your time to understand the mission.
  • Ignoring Side Missions: They can provide valuable rewards and experience.
  • Underestimating Enemies: Always expect resistance and prepare accordingly.


GTA 3’s mission structure is a masterpiece of game design, balancing main story arcs with engaging side content. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player, the wealth of missions in GTA 3 offers something for everyone. Dive in, explore Liberty City, and see how many missions you can conquer.


How many main missions are there in GTA 3?

There are 51 main story missions in GTA 3, spanning across Portland, Staunton Island, and Shoreside Vale.

Are side missions necessary to complete the game?

No, side missions are optional, but they enhance the gameplay experience and provide additional rewards.

What rewards do you get for completing all missions?

Completing all missions unlocks various rewards, including special vehicles, increased health and armor, and monetary bonuses.

Can you replay missions in GTA 3?

Unlike newer GTA titles, GTA 3 does not allow you to replay missions once completed. However, you can start a new game to experience them again.

How do missions in GTA 3 compare to other GTA games?

Missions in GTA 3 are foundational and set the stage for more complex and narrative-driven missions in later games. They are simpler but still offer a challenging and engaging experience.

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