How Many Missions Are In GTA Vice City?

GTA Vice City, a classic in the Grand Theft Auto series, offers a blend of engaging storytelling and open-world adventure. One of the most frequently asked questions by players is, “How many missions are in GTA Vice City?” This guide will answer that question and provide a comprehensive breakdown of the various mission types you can encounter in the game.

Overview of GTA Vice City

The Setting of GTA Vice City

Set in the vibrant and chaotic 1980s Miami-inspired Vice City, the game captures the essence of the era with its neon lights, fast cars, and eclectic soundtrack. The city’s design is split into two main islands and several smaller areas, each with its unique vibe and challenges.

The Protagonist: Tommy Vercetti

Players step into the shoes of Tommy Vercetti, a former mobster released from prison. Tommy’s journey through Vice City is one of ambition, betrayal, and revenge as he aims to build his criminal empire.

Main Storyline Missions

Introduction to Main Storyline

The heart of GTA Vice City lies in its main storyline missions, which propel Tommy Vercetti from a lowly ex-convict to the kingpin of Vice City. These missions are structured into three acts, each presenting new challenges and plot twists.

List of Main Storyline Missions

Act 1 Missions

  • In the Beginning…
  • The Party
  • Back Alley Brawl
  • Jury Fury
  • Riot
  • Four Iron
  • Demolition Man
  • Treacherous Swine
  • Mall Shootout
  • Guardian Angels
  • The Chase
  • Phnom Penh ’86

Act 2 Missions

  • Sir, Yes Sir!
  • The Fastest Boat
  • Supply & Demand
  • Death Row
  • Rub Out
  • Shakedown
  • Bar Brawl
  • Cop Land

Act 3 Missions

  • Cap the Collector
  • Keep Your Friends Close…

Asset Missions

Importance of Asset Missions

Asset missions are crucial for generating revenue and establishing Tommy’s dominance in Vice City. Completing these missions unlocks properties that generate income, essential for funding Tommy’s criminal activities.

List of Asset Missions

  • Kaufman Cabs
  • Print Works
  • Sunshine Autos
  • Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory
  • InterGlobal Films
  • The Malibu Club
  • The Boatyard

Side Missions

Introduction to Side Missions

Side missions in GTA Vice City offer additional content and rewards. These missions are not essential for completing the main storyline but provide significant benefits and enrich the gameplay experience.

List of Side Missions

  • Cone Crazy
  • Checkpoint Charlie
  • PCJ Playground
  • Trial by Dirt
  • Test Track

Vehicle Missions

Introduction to Vehicle Missions

Vehicle missions are a fun diversion from the main story, requiring players to complete various tasks using specific vehicles. These missions can be quite challenging but are rewarding and add depth to the gameplay.

Types of Vehicle Missions

  • Vigilante
  • Firefighter
  • Paramedic
  • Taxi Driver

Telephone Missions

Overview of Telephone Missions

Telephone missions are side tasks that Tommy can undertake by answering ringing payphones scattered throughout Vice City. These missions add to the narrative and offer a break from the main storyline.

List of Telephone Missions

  • Road Kill
  • Waste the Wife
  • Autocide
  • Check Out at the Check In
  • Loose Ends

Rampage Missions

Introduction to Rampage Missions

Rampage missions are chaotic and action-packed challenges where Tommy must eliminate a set number of enemies within a time limit using specific weapons. These missions test the player’s combat skills and are a staple of the GTA series.

List of Rampage Missions

  • Rampage 1: Kill 30 gang members with a machine gun
  • Rampage 2: Destroy 10 vehicles with grenades
  • Rampage 3: Kill 25 gang members with a shotgun
  • Rampage 4: Kill 30 gang members with a flamethrower
  • Rampage 5: Kill 20 gang members with a sniper rifle

Unique Stunt Jumps

Importance of Stunt Jumps

Unique stunt jumps are scattered across Vice City and provide thrilling challenges for players. Completing all stunt jumps is necessary for achieving 100% completion of the game.

List of Stunt Jumps

  • Stunt Jump 1: Ocean Beach
  • Stunt Jump 2: Washington Beach
  • Stunt Jump 3: Vice Point
  • Stunt Jump 4: Prawn Island
  • Stunt Jump 5: Downtown

Hidden Packages

Overview of Hidden Packages

Hidden packages are collectible items scattered throughout Vice City. Finding these packages rewards the player with weapons, money, and other valuable items. There are 100 hidden packages in total.

Rewards for Finding Hidden Packages

  • 10 packages: Body Armor
  • 20 packages: Chainsaw
  • 30 packages: Molotov Cocktails
  • 40 packages: Pistol
  • 50 packages: Python
  • 60 packages: Shotgun
  • 70 packages: MP5
  • 80 packages: Ruger
  • 90 packages: Rocket Launcher
  • 100 packages: Hunter Helicopter

Other Collectibles and Challenges

List of Other Collectibles

Apart from hidden packages, there are other collectibles such as unique vehicles and outfits that players can acquire.

Unique Challenges in GTA Vice City

  • Shooting Range Challenge
  • Dirt Track Race
  • Boat Races
  • RC Bandit Race

Completion Rewards

Overview of Rewards

Completing missions and collecting items in GTA Vice City comes with various rewards. These range from financial bonuses to unique vehicles and special abilities.

Specific Completion Rewards

100% completion: Infinite ammo, bodyguards at the mansion, and increased health and armor.

Tips and Tricks for Completing Missions

General Tips

  • Save frequently to avoid losing progress.
  • Always carry a variety of weapons.
  • Use vehicles strategically for cover and mobility.

Mission-Specific Strategies

  • For timed missions, memorize the quickest routes.
  • During combat missions, use cover and take advantage of headshots.
  • In vehicle missions, practice handling different types of vehicles to improve performance.


GTA Vice City offers a plethora of missions and challenges that keep players engaged for hours. From the main storyline to side missions and collectible hunts, every aspect of the game contributes to its rich and immersive experience. Completing all missions and achieving 100% completion not only brings a sense of accomplishment but also unlocks various rewards that enhance gameplay.


How many total missions are in GTA Vice City?

There are 66 main storyline missions, along with numerous side missions, asset missions, and other tasks.

Do I need to complete all missions to finish the game?

You need to complete all main storyline and asset missions to finish the game’s story. Side missions and collectibles are optional but contribute to 100% completion.

What is the reward for achieving 100% completion?

Achieving 100% completion grants infinite ammo, bodyguards at your mansion, and increased health and armor.

Are there any missable missions in GTA Vice City?

No, there are no missable missions. You can complete all missions at your own pace.

Can I replay missions in GTA Vice City?

No, once a mission is completed, it cannot be replayed in the original game. However, some versions or mods might allow mission replays.

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